
Operations Support

Migrating from development, through test and evaluation, to production, requires both up front planning and skilled tactical decision making. Our expert team of innovative problem solvers will help develop the strategy for your roll out as well as assess and recommend near term adjustments that will help ensure timely delivery while ensuring your long term vision. Once operational, focusing on serving your customers is paramount. From high available, mission assured operations, to help desk support and bug identification and remediation, our skilled operations support team can provide you the engineering, operations, and system administration skills you need to either plan or operate your system.

Program Management Support

We specialize in stakeholder analysis, acquisition, and management support as well as Market Assessments for commercial industry IA product providers to include Business Strategy and Operations Studies for commercial industry integrators and IA product providers and commercial client support for the development of proposals to U.S. Government Military Services and federal agencies

Measurement Support

But just managing an activity is insufficient, being able to ensure it meets your objectives is the real test of success.  We have experienced engineers who can develop metrics and measurement methods to ensure that every aspect of your engagement is meeting both your and your customer’s expectations and defined goals. Once the metrics are in, the job is not done, after action review and adjustment is critical to reduce the probability of learning the same negative decision twice.  Embracing the philosophy of “if you are not changing, you are dying” is key to ensuring that complacency is a conscience decision based on disciplined review and analysis.


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